We will never see the dark side of the moon. At least to the naked eye from Earth. And that there was a time, over millions of years, when it was possible.
To explain Professor Antonio Ruiz de Elvira visit the science museum of Obra Social La Caixa in Alcobendas. (Cosmocaixa)
The Moon is a small satellite of the Earth, constantly looking around the center of it, and the 'fall' from a distance it really does is turn the planet. Is very close to us and so we have mutual interaction between the Earth-Moon.
This interaction produces tides, there synchronizes the rotation. The moon rotates around its axis, and does danto a complete turn on itself at the same time it makes a complete circle around the Earth. If we take a ride on a table looking always at its center, give a lap around the table and walked around ourselves. The reason these two turns synchronized is the same as that of the existence of the tides. It is the constant gravitational interaction between Earth and Moon.
These small discoveries are piling in a drawer where we keep everything we know, but we have so much to know .. The universe is huge, and every time I think about it, I'm terrified, I could say. It is something that is beyond us, and people do not have in mind, everyone continues with their lives as if they did not care what was out there, and it is so.
We are not aware of what lies beyond these borders. I call the attention these issues.
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