dilluns, 21 de novembre del 2011

My dreams and challenges

My challenge for this year is to pass the ESO passing all subjects with an average score respectable, and give a good image of me as a student applied and at the time. I think the problems will be:

That confuses me sometimes in class or doing homework.

And that I want to go study at any time. The only solution I imagine is to put all my effort in this course, as it is a big step in my studies. 

dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011

The intelligence test

No I totally agree with this test. With the Visual, the intrapersonal and the interpersonal if I agree. With the logical also came to agree with the lowest result I've had, and that mathematics and other subjects in the same field do not like or understand them. With everything else so leave him, I do not pay much attention to these tests.