dissabte, 2 de març del 2013

Podcast: An English Country: United States of America

America was discovered in 1492 from Columbus.
The United States of America became independent on the 4rt of June in 1776.
Their were 13 different States when they became independent.

The United States is in North America, occupying most of the territory. It is the 3rd largest country in the world and the 3rd most populous. Also belongs Alaska, Hawaii, and other territories.

The food culture: they like eating much fast food, they are the biggest fast food industry. And because of that they have got big problems with obesity. They drink more tee than coffee, not like here, and his is better for the population.
The sport culturethe 2 most important sports in the USA are American football and Baseball. And a also important sport in the USA is ice hockey, they are one of the bests teams in the world.
IN the USA they pay with dollar not euros.

We can see in this picture the number of cultures in the U.S.. We see in the north of the country most of the culture is German. In the center and left many Irish and in the southwestern part of Mexico's most. In the center and on the right is most Americans and below many African Americans in the northeast and many English and Irish.

It’s a tradition that there are friendly when you go there.
And if you are invited to a dinner you should bring a small present.
They also eat more with their fingers than us.
They have similar traditions like us: Christmas, Halloween.
But they also have other important dates in the U.S.A. is the day they celebrate their independence on July 4 and Thanksgiving Day

English is the official language of the U.S.. 80% of the population speak English, 10% speak Spanish, which is the second most spoken language and is learned as a second language. In Hawaiian spoken English and Hawaiian. In New Mexico Spanish and English. And Louisiana is spoken in English and French. In other states other minority languages , are spoken, but not as important.

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